{Stereotactic Radiosurgery Institute Logo Small Graphic} Stereotactic Radiosurgery Institute

Cyberknife Radiosurgery - Brain and Body Tumors

{Preparing Patient for Cyberknife Radiosurgery through Stereotactic Radiosurgery Institute.}

The Cyberknife is a technology that places a low weight linear accelerator on a robotic arm to provide robotic radiosurgery. This unique arrangement allows for treatment of body parts not accessbile or practical for treatment with any other radiosurgery technology because of its precision and flexibility.

This FDA approved device allows treatment of all body parts. There are multiple targeting techniques available for the Cyberknife which include: 6D, Xsite, Fiducial based, Synchrony, and Synchrony Lung.

The Cyberknife is manufactured by Accuray, Inc.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery Institute
Mailing Address: 365 Bateman Rd., Barrington, IL 60010-7616
Tel: 847-249-3090 Fax: 224-365-4100

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